Autocertificazione Dello Stato Di Famiglia

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Autocertificazione Dello Stato Di Famiglia
  1. Autocertificazione Dello Stato Di Famiglia Per Assegni Familiari


AUTOCERTIFICAZIONE dello STATO di FAMIGLIA - Comune di. Autocertificazione dati contenuti nel registro di stato civile. Autocertificazione dei dati contenuti.

& Nbsp;

  1. COME SI COMPILA L' AUTOCERTIFICAZIONE DELLO STATO DI FAMIGLIA DEGLI EREDI. Di Pino Caddeo (geometra libero professionista si occupa di pratiche di successione ereditaria e volture catastali in tutta Italia) Per maggiori info vedi: servizio successioni eredi.

The application form consists of the power granted to citizens to present, replacing the traditional certification requirements, own states and personal requirements, through appropriate declarations signed (signed) by the person. The signature should not be authenticated.

The application form replaces the certificates without there being any need to present then the actual certificate. The public administration has an obligation to accept, riservandosi la possibilità di controllo e verifica in caso di sussistenza di ragionevoli dubbi sulla veridicità del loro contenuto.

Vi sono pochi casi, nei rapporti con la Pubblica Amministrazione, in cui devono essere esibiti i tradizionali certificati: pratiche per contrarre matrimonio, rapporti con l’autorità giudiziaria, atti da trasmettere all’estero.

Si possono “autocertificare”:

A) Con dichiarazioni sostitutive di certificazioni:

  • la data e il luogo di nascita
  • la residenza
  • la cittadinanza
  • il godimento dei diritti politici
  • lo stato civile (celibe/nubile, coniugato/a, vedovo/a, divorziato/a)
  • lo stato di famiglia
  • l’esistenza in vita
  • la nascita del figlio
  • il decesso del coniuge, dell’ascendente o del discendente
  • la posizione agli effetti degli obblighi militari
  • inclusion in registers kept by the public administration
  • degree or professional qualification held; exams; specialist title, Enable, training, updating and technical qualification
  • income situation and economic, also for the purpose of obtaining benefits and advantages of any kind provided by special laws; fulfillment of specific obligations, with an indication of the amount paid; fulfillment of specific obligations, with an indication of the amount of the tax acquitted; possession and tax number, of VAT and any information included in the tax and inherent to the person.
  • state unemployment; As a retiree and pension category; as a student or housewife
  • qualification of the legal representative of natural or legal persons, guardian, trustee and similar
  • enrollment in social groups or associations of any kind
  • all positions related to the fulfillment of military obligations, etc.
  • not have a criminal record
  • all data aware contained in the records of state civile.Le statements referred to above do not require any authentication by the public official.

B) Declaration in lieu of affidavit:

All states, made personal qualities not self-certified (not included in the letter “A” previously described) may be attested by the person, outright, by declaration in lieu of affidavit.

Si possono ad esempio dichiarare: chi sono gli eredi; la situazione di famiglia originaria; la proprietà di un immobile, etc. La dichiarazione che il dichiarante rende nel proprio interesse può riguardare anche stati, fatti e qualità personali relativi ad altri soggetti di cui egli abbia diretta conoscenza.

La dichiarazione sostitutiva dell’atto di notorietà, non può contenere manifestazioni di volontà (impegni, rinunce, accettazioni, procure) e deleghe configuranti una procura. Qualora risulti necessario controllare la veridicità delle dichiarazioni nel caso in cui gli stati, i fatti e le qualità personali dichiarati siano certificabili o accertabili da parte della pubblica amministrazione, administration proceeding within fifteen days requires documentation directly to the competent administration. In this case, to accelerate the procedure, the person concerned may transmit, through electronic tools, photostat, unauthenticated, certificates that already in possession. The affidavits of the affidavit does not require any authentication from the public official when they are contextual to one instance.

The application form and the affidavits of notoriety can only be used in relations with public administrations meaning all government departments, including institutions and schools of all levels, institutions of higher education, le aziende e le amministrazioni dello Stato ad ordinamento autonomo, le regioni, province, comuni e comunità montane, I.A.C.P., chambers of commerce and any other entity under public law (including government-owned businesses).

They are also used in dealings with companies providing services of public necessity and public utility (Post, ENEL, Telecom, Companies in the Gas, etc.).

The application form and the affidavits of the affidavit can not be used in dealings between individuals or with the judicial authorities in the performance of judicial duties.

To make use of self directly to the doors of public offices, you need to worry priority complete the form provided that it is not subject to any authentication, with regard to the affidavits of certifications (self-certification).
As for the declaration in lieu of affidavit, must be authentic subscription (company) only when it is not made to one instance.

Authentic subscription occurs upon identification of the registrant by the public official authenticating.

The verification of personal identity of the registrant can happen in one of two ways:

  1. direct knowledge of the public officia
  2. testimony of two suitable fidefacienti known by the public official
  3. production of a valid identity document, with photograph, issued by a public authority

A public official or official of the public that does not allow self-certification or declaration in lieu of affidavit, although there is every reason to welcome, liable to the penalties provided for in Article. 328 of the Penal Code and could be punished for omissions or refusal to perform official.

The citizen must, first, ascertain who is responsible for the file forwarded, requiring name, name and title, It is also necessary to know the number of the protocol itself and the type of procedure attributed.

Just as Public Administration knows who his interlocutor, the citizen, has as much right to know who follows the process and how it relates back to the acts relating.

Obtained data, the citizen must apply for, writing, the reasons for the rejection of self-certification or declaration in lieu of affidavit also highlighting, for knowledge, the card, with the details of the practice to the Provincial Committee of Public Administration at the Prefecture of the place where it has been rejected self-certification and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Dip. Public Function – ROME.

The request must be made in writing. If within thirty days from the date of the request, the public official or does not perform the act and not responding to expose the reasons for the delay / refusal, click the basis for the penalties of imprisonment up to one year or a fine of up to two million pounds.

The term of thirty days from the date of receipt of the request.

The prosecution's office, therefore are not required complaints, instances or whatever.

Autocertificazione Dello Stato Di Famiglia Per Assegni Familiari

So the one who will reject your application form, or statement in lieu, will be found in the conditions of simply denounce the omission of official acts.

The law setting up of self, provided that the self-certification must be signed and notarized.

With the enactment of D.P.R. 28 December 2000 n° 445, the obligation of self-certification of the signature is only for the “declaration in lieu of affidavit” when the same is not contained in an instance.

For the affidavits of certification (self-certification), simply subscribe concerned.

The authenticity of the signature of the affidavits of the notary, can be performed by the following public officials: I noticed, Registrars, municipal secretaries and officials from mayors, Also in common other than their residence, as well as by the official competent to receive the documentation and the official in charge of public services by the operator.

The authentic signature is subject to stamp duty.

No stamp duty should, moreover, be paid by the city when it is shown that the use of the Act is exempt, by law, exemption.

Main uses that justify the exemption from stamp duty:

  • pension
  • family allowances
  • Levy militare
  • registration as unemployed
  • other…

Be careful not to make false statements!

The public administration, can provide office to ascertain the veracity of the statements by the citizen.

E’ evident that the standards, simplifying the administrative action, they also want to create between Government and citizen, reports of trusting collaboration.

The issuance of false statements is, other parte, punishable under the Penal Code and special laws.


Parents, or one of them, may declare, within 10 days after birth, the birth of their son at the City of residence, even if the birth occurred in another municipality.

You can also declare:

  • the Medical Director of the birth center (hospital, nursing home), within 3 days after birth
  • the registrar of the municipality where the child was born, within 10 days after birth
  • the registrar of the municipality of residence of the father when he has a residence in a city other than that of the mother, provided that she agrees, within 10 days after birth


All personal certificates, certificates of civil status, extracts and full copies of acts of civil status issued by demographic services, have validity 6 months from the date of issue.

E’ allowed the presentation of certificates “Expired” provided that the information contained in the certificates themselves are not changed.

In this case, just put a statement on the certificate is not authenticated, made by the holder of the same, certifying that the information contained in the certificate, did not change the date of issue.

It has unlimited validity certificate is not subject to any modification (ad es.: certified historic, di morte, qualification).


The public administration, can not take extracts from civil status records to the citizen, but must obtain them by requesting it directly to the civil jurisdiction.


Public administrations, can not require citizens of the production of certificates relating to the absence of a criminal record and no charges pending.

These certificates, to be ascertained, with the competent offices, directly by the administrator who has to take the measure.

The individual government, can not request documents or certificates relating to acts, states or personal qualities, which are attested in documents already in their possession or that they themselves are required to certify.


If the person concerned does not wish or is unable to use self-declarations, certificates relating to acts, states or personal qualities resulting from registers or records kept by public or held by a government, are always acquired automatically by the Prosecuting, on simple indication by the individual of the specific administration which keeps the register or the register.



In instances to produce the bodies of the public administration and the managers or operators of public services, is no longer necessary to authenticate the subscription (company), if the person concerned shall affix the signature in the presence of the employee designated to receive, or if the application is submitted together with a photocopy, even if not authenticated, a document of identity of the subscriber.

The application and the photocopy of the identity card, can be sent electronically.

The signing of instances is not subject to authentication even in cases in which contains affidavits of affidavit.


The interested party may make a declaration in lieu of affidavit, that demonstrates the knowledge of the fact that the copy of the Declaration attached, is consistent with the original (for public competitions has the same value as an authentic copy).

If this statement is a contextual instance, the signature need not be authenticated.


In the event that the affidavits are presented by citizens of the European Community, are subject to the same conditions as Italian citizens.

Non-EU citizens, resident in Italy in accordance with the provisions of Regulation master of the resident population, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic 30 May 1989, n. 233, can use the affidavits only in cases where it is having to prove, facts and personal qualities certifiable by public or private Italian.


At the time of acceptance of the application, it is forbidden to government, managers and the operators of public services, require certifications that attest to the quality or data already contained in the document of identity.

The figures for the last, name, date and place of birth, citizenship, marital status and residence, certificates in recognition of documents valid, have the same value of the corresponding certificates.


The production of records and documents, are fully equivalent to the original. The authentication of a document, can be carried out by the competent official, from which it was issued the original, from the retailer where the original is deposited or stored, or from that to which the document should be submitted, as well as by a notary, chancellor, Town Clerk, or other officer appointed by the mayor.

In the case in which we must submit to an authentic copy of a document, authentication of a copy may be made by the head of the procedure or the employee is competent to receive documents, upon presentation of the original.

In this case, the certified copy may be is only used in the present proceedings.


It repealed the authentication of signatures for the submission of applications to public competitions, examinations as well as for the achievement of qualifications, diplomas or degrees cultural; it is also more than expected, the age limit, except for some special cases provided for by the individual administrations, in relation to the nature of the service.

They are consequently abolished, Titles preferential age-related. If two or more candidates, at the conclusion of the assessment of qualifications and examinations, the same score, candidate is preferred younger than age.


The photograph, can be authenticated directly by the office issuing the certificate, long as it is presented in person by the person.

The authentication of a photo, can be performed only if specifically requested by a rule of law (passport, license).



The Identity Card, may be renewed six months before the expiration.

In the documents of recognition, is no longer necessary to mention marital status, unless the person concerned expressly requests.

Flickr download entire album. The young men waiting to perform compulsory military service, can immediately obtain the release of the identity card and / or passport; is in fact repealed the provision which provided for the clearances required for the issuance of a passport and / or identity card.


The documents that require the signature of more than one person, may be signed separately and at different times.