La Obsesion Antiamericana Revel Pdf
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La Obsesion Antiamericana Revel Pdf 7,7/10 7730 votes
Jean-Francois Revel was one of those rare French philosophers - others include Andre Glucksmann, Chantal Delsol, Bernard Henri-Levy and Alain Besancon - who seek to clarify and elucidate rather than obfuscate. Revel's revelations and observations on anti-Americanism have since been confirmed by other intellectuals like Andre Markovits in his equally thought-provoking work Uncouth Nation which also demonstrates the phenomenon's intimate connection to Antisemitism.
Revel first examines the contradictory character of the diatribes against America, pointing out how the European elites that always blame the USA conveniently forget certain unpleasant facts: their own continent turned the 20th century into the most murderous in history through colonialism, genocidal ideologies like Communism and Nazism and two world wars. Bernard Harrison has identified and analyzed this sordid blame game of the elites - in the UK in particular - in the way it targets Israel and incites Antisemitism.
Revel then turns his attention to Antiglobalism, proving that it really is a struggle against classical liberalism of which the USA is a shining example. Not that the Left has anything against globalism, they just don't like the fact that individuals worldwide will be able to freely trade with one another with diminishing government interference and become prosperous in the process.
The mostly young antiglobalists are blind ideologues, remnants from a past of cruelty and bloodshed. Poor Third World countries want more international trade because that is the only way to escape from poverty, in the same way Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and others have done and India is now doing. Only economic growth brings prosperity as has been demonstrated time and again.
Interesting historical trends are examined, like Régis Benichi's three waves of globalization. The first started during the 16th and 17th centuries, the second lasted from 1840 to 1914 and the third has continued since the end of the Second World War. This one has improved the lives of third world people in direct proportion to the individual countries' adherence to the rule of law and its measure of economic freedom.
Revel explores America's relations with the world in the chapter Hatreds And Fallacies, detailing the distortions from the left following 9/11 and the liberation of Afghanistan. The phobias and fallacies of old-style anti-Americanism and of Neo-totalitarianism greatly intensified at this time, as also observed by Nick Cohen in What's Left?. Nothing escapes Revel's scrutiny, as he provides evidence of the sinister alliance between Leftists and Islamists, a marriage of convenience based on mutual hatred.
In the next chapter The Worst Society That Ever Was, Revel ridicules the crude lies about American society invented by the French media. Exposing the deliberate distortions and contradictions, he observes that such mendacity can only emanate from sick minds. He compares health care in the USA and Europe, looks at literature, crime statistics and the American melting pot versus large non-integrated minorities in France as discussed in books like Menace in Europe and While Europe Slept. His revealing dissection of the French state-sponsored movie industry, including his hilarious opinion of the film Amelie, is a real treasure.
In the chapter Cultural Extinction, Revel considers popular culture in more detail, arguing that cross-fertilization benefits everybody whilst state protection of local culture leads to stagnation. Globalization is an engine of enrichment that enhances cultural diversity. He warns that anti-American phobias and antiglobalism might derail progress in Europe, referring to Guy Sorman's book Progress And Its Enemies. This is not an idea based on partisan ideology but a rational argument also supported by the socialist Claude Allegré.
In chapter 6: Being Simplistic, Revel demolishes the notion that poverty is the root cause of terrorism, asserting that the Jihadists perceive the secular character of the Western concept of human rights at the heart of liberal democracy as the real enemy. The Al-Qa'ida terrorists never even mentioned economic inequalities but reproach the West for contravening the fundamentalist interpretations of their religion's scripture.
In the last chapter: Scapegoating, Revel distinguishes between rational criticism of the USA that is based on facts, and the mental/spiritual disease that is Anti-Americanism. The second is a fanatical mindset that is also obviously idiotic in that it condemns America for certain behaviors (intervention in Kosovo) while simultaneously condemning it for the opposite (lack of intervention in Rwanda). He cites numerous instances where the French elites demonize America while much worse was happening in France, like the huge support for the extreme rightist Le Pen in the first round of the 2000 French presidential election.
Revel concludes that the lunatic ravings of hatred for America and the opinionated ill will in much of the European media will only lead to Americans rejecting the idea of consultation. He believes that the USA's mistakes should always be subject to vigilant criticism but that the gross bias currently reigning will only weaken its exponents and encourage American unilateralism.
The most important lesson from this book is that anti-Americanism is a disease, not a position. The prognosis is not good - Revel believes that countering this attitude with facts and reason will not work since the disinformation in question is not the result of honest, correctable mistakes, but rather of a squalid psychological need. Attitudes that were not formed by facts cannot be changed by facts.
For further light on the matter, I recommend Hating America: A History by Barry Rubin, a book that reveals the long history and the inherent irrationality of the phenomenon. Bat Ye'or reveals the identities, aims and achievements of certain elements within the Brussels eurocracy in her alarming work Eurabia. The fact that the project is doomed will not erase its unintended and disastrous consequences, some of which are already apparent.
Revel first examines the contradictory character of the diatribes against America, pointing out how the European elites that always blame the USA conveniently forget certain unpleasant facts: their own continent turned the 20th century into the most murderous in history through colonialism, genocidal ideologies like Communism and Nazism and two world wars. Bernard Harrison has identified and analyzed this sordid blame game of the elites - in the UK in particular - in the way it targets Israel and incites Antisemitism.
Revel then turns his attention to Antiglobalism, proving that it really is a struggle against classical liberalism of which the USA is a shining example. Not that the Left has anything against globalism, they just don't like the fact that individuals worldwide will be able to freely trade with one another with diminishing government interference and become prosperous in the process.
The mostly young antiglobalists are blind ideologues, remnants from a past of cruelty and bloodshed. Poor Third World countries want more international trade because that is the only way to escape from poverty, in the same way Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and others have done and India is now doing. Only economic growth brings prosperity as has been demonstrated time and again.
Interesting historical trends are examined, like Régis Benichi's three waves of globalization. The first started during the 16th and 17th centuries, the second lasted from 1840 to 1914 and the third has continued since the end of the Second World War. This one has improved the lives of third world people in direct proportion to the individual countries' adherence to the rule of law and its measure of economic freedom.
Revel explores America's relations with the world in the chapter Hatreds And Fallacies, detailing the distortions from the left following 9/11 and the liberation of Afghanistan. The phobias and fallacies of old-style anti-Americanism and of Neo-totalitarianism greatly intensified at this time, as also observed by Nick Cohen in What's Left?. Nothing escapes Revel's scrutiny, as he provides evidence of the sinister alliance between Leftists and Islamists, a marriage of convenience based on mutual hatred.
In the next chapter The Worst Society That Ever Was, Revel ridicules the crude lies about American society invented by the French media. Exposing the deliberate distortions and contradictions, he observes that such mendacity can only emanate from sick minds. He compares health care in the USA and Europe, looks at literature, crime statistics and the American melting pot versus large non-integrated minorities in France as discussed in books like Menace in Europe and While Europe Slept. His revealing dissection of the French state-sponsored movie industry, including his hilarious opinion of the film Amelie, is a real treasure.
In the chapter Cultural Extinction, Revel considers popular culture in more detail, arguing that cross-fertilization benefits everybody whilst state protection of local culture leads to stagnation. Globalization is an engine of enrichment that enhances cultural diversity. He warns that anti-American phobias and antiglobalism might derail progress in Europe, referring to Guy Sorman's book Progress And Its Enemies. This is not an idea based on partisan ideology but a rational argument also supported by the socialist Claude Allegré.
In chapter 6: Being Simplistic, Revel demolishes the notion that poverty is the root cause of terrorism, asserting that the Jihadists perceive the secular character of the Western concept of human rights at the heart of liberal democracy as the real enemy. The Al-Qa'ida terrorists never even mentioned economic inequalities but reproach the West for contravening the fundamentalist interpretations of their religion's scripture.
In the last chapter: Scapegoating, Revel distinguishes between rational criticism of the USA that is based on facts, and the mental/spiritual disease that is Anti-Americanism. The second is a fanatical mindset that is also obviously idiotic in that it condemns America for certain behaviors (intervention in Kosovo) while simultaneously condemning it for the opposite (lack of intervention in Rwanda). He cites numerous instances where the French elites demonize America while much worse was happening in France, like the huge support for the extreme rightist Le Pen in the first round of the 2000 French presidential election.
Revel concludes that the lunatic ravings of hatred for America and the opinionated ill will in much of the European media will only lead to Americans rejecting the idea of consultation. He believes that the USA's mistakes should always be subject to vigilant criticism but that the gross bias currently reigning will only weaken its exponents and encourage American unilateralism.
The most important lesson from this book is that anti-Americanism is a disease, not a position. The prognosis is not good - Revel believes that countering this attitude with facts and reason will not work since the disinformation in question is not the result of honest, correctable mistakes, but rather of a squalid psychological need. Attitudes that were not formed by facts cannot be changed by facts.
For further light on the matter, I recommend Hating America: A History by Barry Rubin, a book that reveals the long history and the inherent irrationality of the phenomenon. Bat Ye'or reveals the identities, aims and achievements of certain elements within the Brussels eurocracy in her alarming work Eurabia. The fact that the project is doomed will not erase its unintended and disastrous consequences, some of which are already apparent.
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Buy LA OBSESION ANTIAMERICANA by REVEL JEAN-FRANCOIS (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. A esto se decica Jean-Francois Revel en La Obsesion Antiamericana. Como son vistos los Estados Unidos por los demas y como son en realidad? La respuesta en una inteligente denuncia de las contradicciones del antiamericanismo y de las incongruencias de los criticos de la globalizacion liberal. Editorial: Urano I.S.B.N. La obsesion antiamericana/ The Antiamerican Obsession by Jean-Francois Revel (2007-06-30): Jean-Francois Revel: Books -