Fallout New Vegas End

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Fallout New Vegas End 7,4/10 8071 votes

Dec 26, 2016 - So what ending did you guys go for? What are your reasons for doing so? Yeah, I'm having trouble deciding what ending to get so I wanted to.

After hours trekking across the wasteland, swatting away bloatflies and squashing hordes of ghouls, the end is in sight. Or at least Hoover Dam is. It's the intimidating final stageof Fallout New Vegas, and no matter your path until this point, you'll have to pick a side and fight an explosive battle to irrevocably change the fate of the Mojave.

A fate that is reported, rather than told, through a series of end slides - before you're taken to a save from before the battle. Ah.

It's a slightly frustrating ending, particularly when post-game content is so often used in RPGs to display the impact of a player's decisions. Even in Red Dead Redemption 2 (not an RPG), you can still find special encounters in the epilogue depending on whether you helped certain people in the past. It's possible to leave a tangible mark on the world, and it shows your decisions went beyond the moment to have long-term repercussions.

This is perhaps why the lack of post-game content Fallout New Vegas - which to me boasts some of the best narrative design in any game - feels like such a missed opportunity. Yet this abrupt ending wasn't Obsidian's intention. Post-game content was part of Obsidian's original plan for Fallout New Vegas, and had to be cut mid-development due to time constraints.

As a result, plenty of files for the post-game were left floating around for others to find - and fans have long been reading them like tea leaves to guess at what could have been. Some have created mods to allow players to explore the world even after the final battle of Hoover Dam. Most recently, a modder named Kazopert went above and beyond by creating the 'Functional Post Game Ending' mod, which introduces additional NPCs, decorations, adds in the cut lines and removes others so the dialogue is compatible with each ending.

FPGE is probably the closest we've gotten to seeing a playable version of Fallout New Vegas's post-game. And just to be sure, I asked Fallout 2 and New Vegas writer Chris Avellone exactly what Obsidian's plans were for that content.


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Fallout New Vegas End

'The loss of post-game content was a big hit in many respects,' Avellone told me over email. 'It didn't feel like a compromise - it felt more like a surprise.'

Back in the Beta stage of Fallout New Vegas's development cycle, the project was, in Avellone's words, 'showing a lot of bugs and optimisation problems'. Adding further complexity wasn't going to help matters, and despite plans being in place for post-game additions, not much work had actually gone into making the content. In some areas, in fact, no work had been done at all. It was at this point the decision was made to cut the post-game in its entirety.


'Designing post-game content is not hard to do if you're keeping it in mind with eachNPC and quest as you're designing it (like doing a Karma check, faction check, orjust another global reactivity check, which we had to do anyway) - sometimes all itneeds is a post-endgame line,' Avellone explained.

'But if you haven't planned for it throughout your design process for your areas and characters, it can be a lot of work to go back and add later on. And while some designers had planned for it - for example, our lead writer had lines for Mr. House in place for post-game reactivity and Strip Securitrons - not all areas had post-game design work.'

Fallout New Vegas has four 'main' endings: supporting House, supporting the NCR, backing Caesar's Legion, or working with Yes Man for an independent New Vegas. There are also variations on these, such as killing Caesar and allowing the Legion to win with Legate Lanius in charge. On top of that, there's a multitude of minor factions and companions to account for, along with the player's overall Karma.

Surprisingly, the additions planned for the post-game were actually fairly minor, with 'minimal reactivity to the events of Hoover Dam'. Some characters were to get special lines, and a few NPCs would spawn with specific post-game dialogue - but Avellone said the main intention was to allow 'players [to] keep wandering the wasteland, explore the 'dungeons' and fight random encounters'.

This also means those theories about special post-game quests - inspired by the discovery of mysterious quest files such as 'Viva Las Vegas' - are sadly incorrect. To Avellone's knowledge, nothing was planned 'beyond reactive barks and a few potential NPC spawns in places to account for whichever faction was in charge of a certain area.

'Most of the focus was on 'how can we make this work after Hoover Dam' which wasn'tan easy question to answer in each instance, especially with the existing amount ofbugs (particularly optimisation issues) and the fact that lack of reactivity in faction-controlledterritories required a good investment of work to make them feel minimally correct,' he added.

Kazopert told me he took several creative liberties when designing the FPGE mod. Apart from the dialogue, which was already available, he made his own additions to demonstrate the outcomes while 'adher[ing] to the end slides as much as humanly possible'. This includes Securitrons around Freeside, flags and...er... crucified people, I suppose.

Something that did make it to the final version, however, were the game's end slides - which were always part of the plan and remained unaffected by the post-game cuts. Similar to Fallout 2, the original idea was to show the player the slides before allowing them to explore the world afterwards with new content. Funnily enough, Avellone said even Fallout 2's end slides nearly got the chop, thanks to 'pushback' against that as well.

'The lead designers thought about canceling that content, but that time, we were able to make it happen,' Avellone stated.

Personally, I find it hard to imagine how Fallout 2 and Fallout New Vegas would have wrapped up without those end slides.

Here's what some of those dialogue options would have looked like, as re-created in Kazopert's mod.

Despite getting the chop at the Beta stage, this wasn't quite the end for the endgame content. Obsidian later considered introducing it in a more round-about way: via the game's DLCs. This was partly inspired by player feedback and requests on the forums - but this route brought its own problems.

'When we were doing the DLCs for New Vegas... [we] began to look into if there was a way we could continue the player's gameplay after Hoover Dam', Avellone recalled. In less than a day, the lead level designer produced a sample save to demonstrate how this would work, but the team concluded they simply didn't have the resources to make it happen. According to Avellone, a 'good chunk' of the DLC resources went into fixing the main game after release, something that 'definitely impacted [the DLC's] development' and left little room for constructing the post-game.

And, on top of that, there was the risk of simply creating more bugs.

'The core game already had a lot of crashes and bugs, and was already being extensively patched during the DLC, so even if we implemented it, we doubted we could address any bugs that resulted from the change,' Avellone explained.

'We did examine all the logistic impacts of doing post-game content withlimited resources. But it was clear we'd be putting the already shaky game stability atrisk by looking by creating post-Hoover Dam option, even in a minimal fashion. Themost we could manage was level-scaling for key enemies (like the Legate) with theintroduction of the new level caps in the DLCs, since the additional levels made theprevious boss fights too easy for the player.

'That said, we did look at potential minor additions where we could - including areserved save game slot before Hoover Dam (which we were able to do), and lookinginto adding Ulysses as a companion you could take back into the main game from theDLC. But an evaluation of that revealed that it would likely break a number of scripts(companion weapon removal, teleportation scripts), and even scripts for the other DLCsthat automatically removed companions from your party.

'I even offered to pay for one of the milestones myself to allow for additional polish time on existing content, but that was refused because they didn't want to extend the release date for the DLCs.'

So, that was that. While the crucial reserved save game slot before the Hoover Dam battle was added, the DLCs went ahead without post-game content, and were firmly based in the time before the battle for Hoover Dam (something even Kazopert wasn't able to reconcile in his FPGE mod - he recommends finishing the DLCs before attempting the final battle).

For Avellone, the sacrifice of post-game content was 'necessary and right' in order to improve the core game's technical problems, even if the cut came as something of a surprise. Still, it's a feature he'd liked to have seen implemented.

'While it's not always feasible in all games to include the ability to continue playing after the end game, as a designer, I feel pretty strongly about letting a player to continue playing, especially in an open-world game,' Avellone said. 'When designing post-game content in Fallout 2, it was a fun way to keep the adventure going... as well as resolve any last threads or quests you might want to pursue.'

It's fun to imagine what the post-game would have looked like: which ending would have changed the Mojave the most, and which would have felt the most appropriate? Avellone reckons Caesar's ending is 'ultimately dull without strong reactivity in the Strip, although the tone is appropriately ominous'. The most interesting option, in Avellone's opinion, is independent New Vegas, 'since it adds more drama (and another, solid faction to the Mojave) and was more feasible with the existing set-up.

'The Anarchist option ends up being too vague to be interesting mostly becauseit's so dependent on a wide range of player actions that the 'results' for the Mojavemight be difficult to discern,' Avellone mused. 'I say this as someone who prefers the Anarchist path, so not that I'm opposed to that result, but it would have definitely required much more work than the other solutions.'

Someone else who knows a little about the New Vegas post-game (or one imagining of it) is obviously Kazopert, who told me he believes the Legion ending with Lanius in charge changes the wasteland the most, the reason being 'Lanius is a brute that kills anyone who opposes him'.

'This is reflected [in the mod] by most unique NPCs being gone (killed/enslaved) whereas Caesar would allow them to go about their business.' A fair observation.

Of course, the strength of Fallout New Vegas is that there's no 'right' ending - and thanks to the FPGE mod, you can get a sense of what sits best with you. At the very least, the mod has certainly impressed Avellone.

'Kudos to Kazopert for his mod - that kind of work and investment is not easy to do, and at Obsidian, we didn't have the manpower to make that happen,' he added.

(Kazopert says it took him about a month and a half of 'continual work each day' to create the mod.)

To me, playing through FPGE was a strange experience: the tense struggle for power and main driving force behind the story is suddenly gone, and you're left to roam without clear direction. It's a great visualisation of the different endings, but ultimately the wasteland feels emptier than before - particularly if you've already completed all the side-quests and DLCs. More than anything, FPGE makes you realise just how much work Obsidian would have needed to put in to make the post-game feel reactive and satisfying. As Avellone said, it was probably the right decision to sacrifice it for the health of the main game.

For now, it seems the closest we'll get to Fallout New Vegas's post-game is the FPGE mod and its lonely, melancholy tone. But perhaps that's the perfect end for a Courier destined to wander the wasteland.

For the note in Fallout 76, see The End (note).

The End

ED-E canceling the launch


given by


5000 XP
Bitter drink recipe
Courier duster
Old Glory
Red Glare
Snakebite tourniquet
Ulysses' duster
Ulysses' final message
Ulysses' mask
+1 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. point
Brotherhood of Steel and Followers of the Apocalypse fame

editor id

Quest chain
Previous quest
The Courier
Initial tests of the override system are promising. Against unsecured or lightly-encrypted targets, the Eyebots have a 98% success rate. More heavily protected systems are still problematic. Military-grade encryption presents a very real possibility of critical overload of key systems.— Dr. Whitley, Experiment log 369248/A

Fallout New Vegas For Free

The End is a main quest in the Fallout: New Vegasadd-onLonesome Road.

Quick walkthroughEdit

Quest: The End
Go to the missile control panel and attempt to stop the missile launch.
Select to have ED-E hack the missiles and stop the launch.
Reward: 5000 XP, Bitter drink recipe, Courier duster, Ulysses' duster, Ulysses' mask, Ulysses' final message, Old Glory, +1 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. point,Positive Brotherhood of Steel and Followers of the Apocalypse fame

Detailed walkthroughEdit

To complete this quest, the Courier must proceed to the Control Panel from which the missiles may be launched. Should the courier desire to select 'Attempt to cancel the launch.', ED-E must be rescued first. If not, the quest fails and leads to The Apocalypse.

In order to rescue ED-E, the courier must free him from his pod in the repair room near the elevator to the temple. ED-E is located in pod number 2 and can be released by using the terminal on the table in front of the pods.

Once ED-E has been rescued and the Courier has dealt with Ulysses, proceed to the launch control pad and select the option for ED-E to hack it. This will initiate a recording from Dr. Whitley. The following dialogue will explain that the eyebots can override heavily encrypted data, but will probably not survive the process.

Since selecting this option prevents another apocalypse, the player's reputation with both the Followers of the Apocalypse and the Brotherhood of Steel will increase.

Quest stagesEdit

10Cancel the missile launch.
30Run for the Canyon Wreckage.
40Optional: Deliver Ulysses' final message.

Fallout New Vegas Endings


  • Everything that ED-E is carrying will be returned to the player's inventory after the quest.
  • If the Courier has a reputation that does not allow Veronica Santangelo to become a follower, the reputation increase with the Brotherhood of Steel will then allow them to have Veronica as a follower if one chooses to visit her after the conclusion of Lonesome Road.
QuestsThe Reunion ·The Silo ·The Job ·The Launch ·The Tunnelers ·The Divide ·The Courier ·The End ·The Apocalypse
AchievementsCondemned to Repeat It ·ED-Ecated ·Hometown Hero ·Rocket's Red Glare ·Warhead Hunter
LocationsDivide ·Dry Wells(Boat) ·Long 15(Gate) ·Ashton missile silo ·Ashton silo control station ·Boxwood Hotel roof ·Cave of the Abaddon ·Collapsed overpass tunnel entrance ·Junction 7 rest stop ·The High Road ·Hopeville armory ·Hopeville men's barracks ·Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters ·Hopeville Missile Base - East entrance ·Hopeville Missile Base - Loading station ·Hopeville Missile Base - West entrance ·Hopeville silo bunker entrance ·Hopeville women's barracks ·Marked men camp ·Marked men base ·Marked men guard outpost ·Marked men supply outpost ·Pass to canyon wreckage ·Path to the Courier's Mile ·Ruined highway interchange ·Sunstone Tower roof ·The Courier's Mile ·The Crow's Nest ·Third Street Municipal Building ·Ulysses' Temple ·Waste disposal station ·Wastewater treatment plant
ItemsWeaponsRed Glare ·Old Glory ·Blade of the West ·Bowie knife (Blood-Nap) ·Arc welder ·Great Bear grenade rifle ·Red Victory grenade rifle ·Shoulder mounted machine gun ·Laser detonator ·Flare gun ·Flash bang ·Fist of Rawr (Fist of the North Rawr) ·H&H Tools nail gun ·Satchel charge ·Industrial hand
ApparelUS Army combat armor ·US Army General outfit ·Marked scout armor ·Riot gear ·Advanced riot gear ·Elite riot gear ·Breathing mask ·Ulysses' mask ·Ulysses' duster ·Courier duster ·Marked patrol armor ·Marked tribal armor ·Marked trooper armor ·Marked beast helmet ·Marked beast eyes helmet ·Marked beast face helmet ·Marked beast tribal helmet ·Armor of the 87th Tribe ·Scorched Sierra power armor
ConsumablesAuto-inject super stimpak ·Auto-inject stimpak ·Debug rad food ·Fiery purgative ·MRE ·Rushing water ·Snakebite tourniquet
Misc itemsBlank magazine ·Eyebot upgrade circuit board ·Rawr's Talon ·Rocket canister ·Roughin' it! bedroll kit ·Seymour ·Snow globe - Lonesome Road ·Tunneler hide
AmmunitionNails ·Rocket
Holodisks and notes'Missing' shipment ·Bitter drink recipe ·Bravo Team mission orders ·Flash bang information ·For whoever finds this.... ·Hopeville Base - Armory access codes ·Hopeville Silo - level security codes ·Mission report ·NCR Radio distress beacon ·NCR Ranger action reports ·Pvt. Foster's personal journal ·Silo network security codes ·Sunflower Summers' diary ·Ulysses' final message ·Ulysses' logs
CharactersGleeson ·Howard ·The Dad ·The Kid ·Ulysses ·Whitley ·ED-E ·Dr. Grant
CreaturesMarked men (Blister ·Bonesaw ·Beast ·Blade ·Gaius Magnus ·Colonel Royez) ·Tunneler ·Rawr
Robots and computersED-E ·Medical Eyebot ·Repair Eyebot ·Commissary terminal
PerksAin't Like That Now ·Alertness ·Broad Daylight ·Certified Tech ·Marked ·Tunnel Runner ·Thought You Died ·Just Lucky I'm Alive ·Burden to Bear ·Voracious Reader ·Lessons Learned ·Walker Instinct ·Roughin' It ·Irradiated Beauty ·The Bear-Slayer ·Dead Man's Burden ·Divide Survivor ·Lonesome Road ·Scourge of the East
Act 1Ain't That a Kick in the Head ·Back in the Saddle ·By a Campfire on the Trail ·They Went That-a-Way ·Ring-a-Ding-Ding!
Act 2Wild Card (Wild Card: Ace in the Hole, Change in Management, You and What Army?, Side Bets, Finishing Touches) ·The House Always Wins (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII) ·Render Unto Caesar ·Et Tumor, Brute? ·Things That Go Boom ·Kings' Gambit ·For the Republic, Part 2 ·You'll Know It When It Happens/Arizona Killer
Act 3No Gods, No Masters ·All or Nothing ·Veni, Vidi, Vici ·Eureka!
New California RepublicAnywhere I Wander ·Back in Your Own Backyard ·Bitter Springs Infirmary Blues ·Boulder City Showdown ·Can You Find it in Your Heart? ·Climb Ev'ry Mountain ·Don't Tread on the Bear! ·Emergency Radio ·Eye for an Eye ·Flags of Our Foul-Ups ·Hard Luck Blues ·I Don't Hurt Anymore ·I Put a Spell on You ·Keep Your Eyes on the Prize ·Medical Mystery ·No, Not Much ·Pressing Matters ·Restoring Hope ·Return to Sender ·That Lucky Old Sun ·The White Wash ·There Stands the Grass ·Three-Card Bounty ·We Will All Go Together ·You Can Depend on Me
Caesar's LegionBeware the Wrath of Caesar! ·Caesar's Favor ·Caesar's Foe ·Caesar's Hire ·Cold, Cold Heart ·I Hear You Knocking ·The Finger of Suspicion ·We Are Legion
The StripBeyond the Beef ·Bye Bye Love ·Classic Inspiration ·How Little We Know ·Pheeble Will ·Talent Pool ·The House Has Gone Bust! ·The Moon Comes Over the Tower
Freeside & Outer VegasBirds of a Feather ·Bleed Me Dry ·Debt Collector ·G.I. Blues ·High Times ·Someone to Watch Over Me ·The Coyotes ·Wang Dang Atomic Tango
BoomersAnt Misbehavin' ·Sunshine Boogie ·Volare! ·Young Hearts
Great KhansAba Daba Honeymoon ·Cry Me a River ·Don't Make a Beggar of Me ·Oh My Papa
Powder GangBooted ·I Fought the Law ·Run Goodsprings Run ·Why Can't We Be Friends?
Brotherhood of SteelEyesight to the Blind ·Still in the Dark ·Tend to Your Business
OtherCome Fly With Me ·Crazy, Crazy, Crazy ·Ghost Town Gunfight ·Guess Who I Saw Today ·Left My Heart ·My Kind of Town ·The Legend of the Star and A Valuable Lesson ·Unfriendly Persuasion ·Wheel of Fortune
Companion questsED-E My Love ·For Auld Lang Syne ·Heartache by the Number ·I Could Make You Care ·I Forgot to Remember to Forget ·Nothin' But a Hound Dog ·One for My Baby
Unmarked questsA Bit of Slap and Tickle ·A Final Plan for Esteban ·Access Powers ·All Fired Up! ·An Ear to the Ground ·Andy and Charlie ·Arizona Scavenger ·Barton the Fink ·Bear Necessities ·Big Winner (Atomic Wrangler, The Gomorrah, The Tops, Ultra-Luxe, Vikki & Vance) ·Bounty Killer (I, II) ·Brotherhood Bond (I, II) ·Caching in at the Cove ·Cajoling a Cudgel ·Claws Mended ·Claws Out ·Dealing with Contreras ·Defacing the Humble Stone ·Democracy Inaction ·Don't Poke at the Bear! ·Eddie's Emissary ·Exhumin' Nature ·Fight Night ·Flogging a Dead Corpse ·Friend of the Followers ·Gland for Some Home Cooking ·Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ·Hat's Entertainment ·Help for Halford ·Hidden Valley computer virus ·Highway to the Danger Zone (I, II) ·Honorary Rocketeer ·I Love Bananas ·Iron and Stealing ·Keith's Caravan Charade ·Laurifer Gladiator ·Lenk's Bad Debts ·Lily and Leo ·Long-Term Care ·Malleable Mini Boomer Minds ·Maud's Muggers ·Meeting an Equal ·Missing a Few Missiles ·Most Wanted ·Not Worth a Hill of Corn and Beans ·Old School Ghoul · A Pair of Dead Desperados (I, II) ·Papers, Please ·Pistol Packing ·Playing on the Old Joana ·Poor Meat Never Makes Good Soup ·Powder to the People ·Power to the People ·Razzle Dazzle! ·Reach for the Sky, Mister! ·Rest and Resupply ·Ringo's Caravan Rules ·Rotface's Loose Lips ·Saving (or Savaging) Sergeant Teddy ·The Screams of Brahmin ·Silus Treatment ·Short-Term Treatment ·Smooth-Talking Criminal ·The Star Showdown ·Strategic Nuclear Moose ·Straus Calls ·Strip Search ·Suits You, Sarah ·Tags of Our Fallen ·A Team of Moronic Mercenaries ·Thought for the Day ·Tourist Traipse ·Trudy's Radio Repair ·A Trusted Aide ·Useless Baubles or Fancy Trinkets? ·We Must Stop Beating Like This ·We Must Stop Meeting Like This ·Wind-Brahmin Wrangler ·You Gotta Break Out a Few Eggs ·You Make Me Feel Like a Woman
Add-on quests
Dead MoneySierra Madre Grand Opening! · Find Collars (8: 'Dog', 12: Christine, 14: Dean Domino) ·Fires in the Sky ·Strike Up the Band ·Mixed Signals ·Trigger the Gala Event ·Put the Beast Down ·Last Luxuries ·Curtain Call at the Tampico ·Heist of the Centuries ·Big Winner, Sierra Madre
Honest HeartsA Family Affair ·Arrival at Zion ·Bighorners of the Eastern Virgin ·Chaos in Zion ·Civilized Man's Burden ·Crush the White Legs ·Deliverer of Sorrows ·Departing Paradise ·Flight from Zion ·Gathering Storms ·Gone Fishin' ·Happy Trails Expedition ·Prisoners of War ·Retake the Bridge ·River Monsters ·Rite of Passage ·Roadside Attraction ·Sanctity of the Dead ·The Advance Scouts ·The Treacherous Road ·The Grand Staircase ·Tourist Trap
Old World BluesAll My Friends Have Off Switches ·A Brain's Best Friend ·Coming Out of Her Shell ·Field Research ·He Came... And Went ·Influencing People ·Midnight Science Fiction Feature! ·Old World Blues ·On the Same Wavelength ·Picking Your Brains ·Project X-13 ·Sonic Emitter Upgrade ·Welcome to the Big Empty ·What's in a Name? ·When Visitors Attack! ·X-2: Strange Transmissions! ·X-8 Data Retrieval Test ·X-8: High School Horror! ·X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator!
Lonesome RoadThe Reunion ·The Silo ·The Job ·The Launch ·The Tunnelers ·The Divide ·The Courier ·The End ·The Apocalypse